Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Busy as a British Bee

So sorry I have been neglecting my posting, I have been extremely busy. Last week I had a two assignments to turn in and I wanted to get a head start on others so I spent a lot of time in the library. I now have my own self-designated spot on the second floor in the way way back right nook where all the maps are. No one in their right mind would go near maps so that is where I go to get work done. I find it increasingly harder to do work in my own room as I get too distracted by either the bed, my books, or friends. Anyway so I turned in my first business assignment which is worth 30% of my grade ,or my final "mark" as they call it. Talk about nervous! I double, and tripple checked it, especially since I had to learn a whole new referencing system (the dread Harvard referencing system). I sent it in on time but I still have that nagging in the back of my head that I have missed something, or I forgot to do such and such to the format. I am confident in what I wrote however and I shall be really interested in getting it back..in two weeks. These people take forever grading. I also worked on my first poetry assignment where I have to write a thousand word essay comparing two poems. Only comparison, not compare and contrast, which is odd. And I have to compare them in technical terms; i.e. meter, rhyming, ect. Which is new for me since I am used to:
A) comparing AND contrasting
B) not looking at the technical side and instead picking apart the meaning of the poem

So I have checked out about five books from the library on how to pick apart poems technically, I'm a little stuck but nothing I can't handle!
As for my other classes, I have to write a travel essay for my travel blogging class which is fairly straight forward and for my British history class I have to think of a topic I want to write my final essay on. I'm thinking Gothic architecture, ancient monoliths, or something of the sorts. So all in all school is going fairly well, I'm just not used to all this free time I have during the day. Well back to work!

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